Using Your Faith to Enhance Your Marriage

At times, marriage can seem like a never-ending rollercoaster. Full of highs and lows. Moments of absolute peace. And moments of conflict.

Marriage is one of the most sacred bonds that we can have with another human being. It’s the promise to always be there for them. To support each other and love one another. It’s the vow to love them at their best AND their worst. But, life gets in the way. Balancing careers, raising children, and financial stress can take a toll on any marriage. We’re only human and feeling stressed or taking our frustrations out on other is, unfortunately, just a normal part of life.

When you are a couple who has faith, you can use this as a foundational basis for your marriage. A way to not only strengthen the bond you have with one another, but your relationship with God as well. If you are looking to improve your marriage, you can use your faith to enhance it. Here are a few ways you can do that.

Pray Together

One of the best ways to use your faith to strengthen your relationship is through prayer. Prayer is often seen as a stand-alone ritual, but it has amazing benefits when done together. Pray that you each will have a good day at work. You can pray that the other person will find strength to get through a particularly difficult time they are facing.

There are so many things you can pray about together. We know that prayer, as an individual, can strengthen our relationship with God and our closeness with Him. Praying with your partner can help both of you to feel as if you truly care about the other’s well-being.

Share Your Struggles

How often do we try and hide what we are going through? Not only from our partners and the world, but ourselves as well. It’s human tendency to keep things bottled up inside. Tucked away so no one can see how bad we are truly struggling with something.

Instead of hiding your emotions away, share them with your partner. Honesty is one of the core values that we are taught when we have faith. When you are open and as honest with each other as possible, it can really strengthen your bonds. It teaches you vulnerability and how to listen with an open heart and ears. By letting your partner see the deepest places you are hiding from everyone else, you’ll be showing them your absolute trust in their soul and heart.

Hold Them In The Same Place You Do As God

Walking through life alone is hard, but because of your relationship with Him, you really aren’t alone. When you are a married couple, you are now part of this family unit. Whether it’s just you two or you have children together, you are a pair. Your personal relationship with God is important to you and so should your relationship with your spouse.

Holding your spouse with the same amount of love and compassion that you have towards the creator will help you continue to grow with each other and with God. In your darkest moments, have faith in God and your partner. With them both at your side and in your heart, you will find a strength you’ve never known before.

Using your faith as the backbone to everything you do individually and as a couple can help you conquer anything. Faith should always be at the core of your relationship. It gives you the momentum to continue pushing forward, no matter what life hands to you.

If you are interested in Christian counseling as a couple or individual, please reach out today to begin.

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