4 Simple Ways To Practice Your Faith Each Day

Putting your faith into practice can be really challenging. It’s not that you don’t want to try or it’s not important to you. Your faith is likely the very center of who you are. Or maybe you are trying to improve your faith and understanding of the world around you.

But everything else is seems to get in the way. We are living in a society that places emphasis on staying busy and not really taking time for ourselves. We live in a world that is fast-paced. Balancing raising families, careers, social obligations, marriages, household duties. Does this list ever really end?

So when it comes to our faith, it doesn’t often get prioritized in our daily habits. We may attend services through the week or on Sunday. And maybe we volunteer or donate our time or efforts during holiday seasons. All of these are fantastic ways to continue to grow in your faith and in your relationship with God.

But, there is still small steps you can take daily that don’t require a lot of time or effort. Here are four simple ways that you can practice your faith every day.

Begin Each Day With A Prayer Or Meditation

We roll out of bed. And then we rush around the rest of the day. How often we really stop and just thank Him for giving us another day? To begin fresh? To leave the pain and sorrow of the days before in the past.

No time is better to begin just thanking Him for the blessings we have than first thing in the morning. It helps to bring a sense of peace and understanding for your own life. And when you are choosing to be grateful first thing in the morning, it can likely help keep you grounded throughout the rest of the crazy day.

Read the Bible Or An Audiobook Version

Too often, we believe that we need to be able to devote hours upon hours to devotionals and verses. That’s not really realistic or possible for the majority of folks out there to do. Instead of trying to devote all those hours to it, try and just spend 20 minutes or less a day with an audiobook version of the bible.

Listen to the audiobook or your favorite speaker in the car. Or even read some scripture on your lunchbreak from your phone. Every little effort you make to grow your understanding of God and His Word will surely count.

Even better, if you have a chance, put your headphones in and go for a walk out in nature while listening to an audiobook. It will help you breathe in the fresh air, get some physical exercise, and give yourself a sense of renewal.

Attending Services Has Never Been Easier

Okay, so no one is truly grateful for the pandemic and the sheer turmoil it put the world through the last few years. But, if there is one thing we are grateful for, is that many churches are still providing virtual services.

Not only that, but many of them not only are live services but are kept on the church’s website for viewing later. So if you haven’t been to church for awhile, for whatever your reasoning may be, why not watch a service and hear some words of inspiration.

Give Yourself Grace

We talk about the Grace of God and how he makes all things possible. To help your faith, why don’t you try to also give yourself grace?

We are often the harshest critics in our own lives. We don’t give ourselves enough space and understanding to know that mistakes are made. As humans, we often don’t do that enough.

If you are struggling with your faith or need some extra support, contact us to begin your journey of a stronger faith through counseling.

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